Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life and Reality

Been a few since posting anything here so here I am still kicking hard and taking names. The summer in mid flight and going quickly, moreso for Terria than i , she has school to look forward to in August ,I have work to look forward to everyday. With that being said it really has been a rapid summer, our Texas trip starts next wednesday and so looking towards a great time in the Lonestar state, will probably make me appreciate California that much more from a weather stand point at least, don't know about the people, can't be any worse than the Cali Shit we deal with on a daily basis, bunch of Do nothing, be nothing , aspire to not help anybody but themselves mentality. OK so texas is in the front view and have allot of driving to cover and many cities to run through in such a short amount of time. Dealey Plaza is really my most anxious moment of the trip, and even the Astrodome and the cotton bowl in Dallas, the ballgames will be cool but Dealey Plaza is the focus of my trip being a history nut and reading so much about the subject finding myself wanting to see for myself the possibilities and angle sof attack that took place that day. fuck the Warren Commission and their non conspiratorial findings such blatant bullshit to say the least. So we are expecting a warm trip but a good ,quick and safe venture into lands we have yet to visit! On a more serious note , thinking of my brother in Law Tim who is undergoing some testing for some issues with lymph nodes and blockages of the arteries in his arm, things that only tests and the medical field can determine yet we worry and think of all of the negative things naturally as we do. Things would really be hard on all f us without our Tim around and know that this concerns big sis and the rest of the family about his well-being. So we think good thoughts and know God has a plan for all of us and if Tim's fate is a bad result than we are blessed with the strength to get through it with the mans blessings. I really do feel he will be alright but the not knowing is the hardest part and we shall be positive until we find out otherwise. Go get em timmie we love you and know you will fight whatever the outcomes of the symptoms. Thanks to terria for accompanying My sister April to some Dr's Appointments , she is really great at asking the right questions and looking beyong the normal prognosis and will ask the what if questions and follow up until she gets the true answers to her questions, thanks for loving us the way you do!!!! On a lighter note I am making Carnitas for Ty tonight, he has a few weeks before he ships out to Bootcamp and we will soon have 2 boys in the U.S. Army. So he has made a wish list of meals that we are to make for him before he leaves, one was Homemade Flour tortillas and beans which will accompany the Carnitas and refried beans tonight. He evidently also requested tacos, some sort of Oreo truffle concoction and a homemade Cheesecake which we don't do, we will make a kick ass cheesecake but we haven't ever made one. He wanted something else and we shall fulfill his order for knowing that Galley food in the Army will be as bad as they say it is. I do have the Pork butts in the oven here at work slow cooking and will take them home from here to fry and finish them off while i make beans and the tortillas to complete the order of the day. so off to check on my Pork and waiting for the day to come to a close. taking the gym off today and not really gonna miss it too much, a little burned out with it now so a day off will hopefully refresh the body and soul and hit it hard tomorrow with a new invigoration and attitude!

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