Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Does Friday have For ME?

Tomorrow I am off from work and really wonder how productive I am going to be if at all productive! I assume that the gym is the only non variable in a day chocked full of what if's and maybe's. So let us assume that the gym will be completed by noon and then assume that slumber will wake me up around 9 and dick around with coffee and then decide to get motivated for the gym.Once there I am fine and have  my hour 30 minute of 108 sets of lifting at a real quick pace to look forward to, then the tired waddle form the gym to a hot spot for breakfast, maybe even a splash in the jacuzzi before deciding on what to eat for breakfast, leaning on a home cooked something or other meal but that's always subject to change in a blink of the eye. Whatever comes about it's a day off and maybe get some rain tomorrow to dampen things a bit, or as I like to think, freshen up the stink!

Another workweek down and nearer to the holiday season we get, the season will be here in a few weeks and families getting together to eat too much and drink too much is about to begin. The common thread is getting together and that's the good part of the holiday where families are side by side doing what they do best, driving each other crazy and wishing we were all somewhere else. To be honest the Holidays are a sore subject with me since my father passed away in 1984, having to overcome that void had taken me 10 years or so , and now the holidays are times where we tolerate family and traffic all in the name of something we know very little about...God! Well that and my oldest Son's birthday on 25 December. A blessing on a special day!

Not much planned for the weekend but time to relax and maybe shop and buy something, maybe the new MAcbook PRo  for Terria and some gym shoes or pool shoes for me to use at the gym, whatever it is it will be a good thing, love to shop for nice stuff and groceries when I'm hungry which I know is a real no no  and gets done by yours truly constantly, hence the 100 dollar plus Smart and Final runs for dog food and bread right the voila, $100 bones spent on whatever. So life is good and humanity is average and people seem to be a slow and ridiculous as they always tend to be. Just working around them all and hope that they do not rub off on me anytime soon. Well it's Becker time and time to DVD it up with one of my favorite shows ever, sleep in and watch Terria get ready in the morning and fall back into a light slumber for a day with few or no plans awaits me in the morning...Goodnight

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