Sunday, November 27, 2011

Personal Check Up

Once a week around here seems to be the going frequency of my visits here, although not crazy busy my thoughts and writing have essentially been put on the shelf for some reason. Don't know why but the urge to write has been lacking and it's time to look for the reasons why that I have been vacant from the site I call my home.  The daily grind is far from that, the workdays are a joke and nothing really taxing on the mind or body but getting back to my days and how I live and breathe each one with total glee and ease!

My minds ever changing moods, sounds like a style council song because it is! There are many things that are going on as we speak, the boys, the boys and the boys, all are in different places emotionally, and geographically so the thoughts as a parent are never ending, the moods are what they are and are generally in a good place but there are days when I keep it real and get a little snippy at either myself ,or the stupidity of the world around me. Be what it may I rebound and reconsider all the journeys in my life and realize that this is a gravy train and in comparison to others tattered lives I'm n a special place. Doesn't take long for me to face the realities of this, I can look to my co-workers or some of my friends and realize that they do not have what I have, or the means to get through the emotional wraps that life deals to us all each day. Yeah the world which we live in can be cruel, but the thoughts of where I could be are frightening and bring the truths of my goodness all home to me.

A snapshot of the past year is a very sharp and vivid portrayal of the way things should proceed as I see it. The faith and spirituality that I share with my loved ones is a very private and special gift to me not one which is grandstanded and overtly shared with the world. Conventional wisdom says to share that gift with the world and let everybody know that you are Tim Tebow and you live and breathe Jesus and that is not me, I'd rather be a good person and not talk so much about how good I am and hope that Jesus is watching... Not Me, You won't be getting hit with any Bibles here today from me, but you will get a person who loves and cares and shows that goodness comes from people, not beliefs in doing good things! Enough about that shit and back to the realities of living and life!

As I look around these days I see so much unhappiness, the things in life that we take for granted are the gifts of life itself and so many of us look outside that realm of goodness and want and expect so much more out of life. What would make most people happiest? Money and things all which are the roots of most evil in this world, when was having enough to survive upon good enough, driving incredible cars and living in ridiculous houses seems to be the ongoing dream. While most never come close to this world of make believe it seems to drive  many to feel the inadequacies of what they are and what they have which forever seem to pale in comparison to their lifes' ambitions of having all of the aforementioned stuff. I have come to appreciate the good things that i have and share with those that matter ,I cannot change who I am but refine who I  am and for this the ongoing project Greg will continue on and keep me going and growing in a direction that takes me further towards where I want and need to be as a person, Husband, Father and friend to all! Well back to the laundry and folding and putting my crap away and ready for the workweek that ensues. Good Night!

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