Saturday, September 24, 2011

Motorcycle Goodbye

Seems like a year since I last posted on here but here I go again with  a day, a week and a month of surreal events thay only enhance with each passing day.  So happy to have both boys back home temporarily but they are back home for the time being. Braz and Nikki are home for 2 weeks of R and R from the desert and Ty is home to take care of some shit unsettled! The days are scattered and we share the time with our boys with their family and friends and that is ok with us as it gives them a sense of freedom and no obligation to do what they want on their freedom from the war zone . Terria and I have told them that this is their time to relax and enjoy and feel no need to be at our beck and call. Since [picking them up from LAX on Sunday we have gome through a whirlwind of emotions and a sense of relief at the same time knowing that they are safe here in their home and with the people they want to be with.

Today was a strange day in a way, I sold my Ducati this morning and have finally put the motorcycle to rest, or at least in my mind I have, in my heart there will always be a ride left in me here or there on somebody's extra bike whenever I can steal ,beg or borrow one. But driving down to Huntington Beach this morning, feeling no regrets or remorse at all and ready to empty the garage of the reminders of not riding the damn bike that sat in front of me as I unloaded the washer and dryer during the week. Went through about the most tedious process I have ever been with the guy buying the bikem calling in VIN#'s and checking service records on a pristine bike with very little milage on it , and then claimed that it rode rough and vibrated, lets see , wet road, older tires and a tall first gear , the guy stalled the bike twice taking it out for the test run and was so damn anal I wanted to hit him but I waited it out in the hopes he would just give me the check and I could get out of there with my sanity and not kicking the living shit out of the OCD freak of nature, nice enough guy but have never in all my years met anybody so ridiculously disturbed by the OCD disease. So we got out of there and went for a great lunch in Anaheim Hills at Slaters 50/50  where the tastiest burgers ever and a long trip home afterwards with weekend traffic a real bear.we eventually got home and the dilemma of whether or not to get a new car or keep the truck is wearing on my mind, don't need the truck but don't want a payment either so leaning towards the truck and staying on top of things til next years when I will buy myself something new and nice. Looking forward to a Sunday breakfast with family tomorrow with the boys and all the cousins at the local stop here in town. Feeling litle tired right now and should head into bed and ready for another end to a busy weekend!Goodnight

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