Thursday, August 6, 2015

An Observation

Enjoying the new bike, a nice departure from the daily gym visits and a freedom away from the same atmosphere every day. Not much going on here today , just another day in what most call paradise, I get to call my every day! Was feeling like reading and have 3 books to read, but have yet to crack them open in earnest and give them a whirl. Not sure why or how I have excluded them into my daily routine. will make a point to re-examine that this evening as I'm off tomorrow from a short work week and nothing to do, yet all day in which to do it. Hmmmm, what will I do, Gym , breakfast motorcycle ride, or the other way around and throw in a bicycle ride in between or afterwards? who know, no plans no  hurries or no concerns just a day free from work and restrictions.

Still think about mom on occasion, a lot to process sometimes, I hear her voice and feel her presence when I do certain things that I know made her laugh or get angry with me. When I open up the numerous picture of my granddaughters I think of my Mom, she was always so happy to see them or to see pictures of them and always made her smile...always!!!!!I haven't cried with my mom for a while now and when it comes it really comes, I catch myself thinking why am I crying, I'm not crying for her, I'm crying for me and how selfish is that? She doesn't want me to cry, she wants to be let go and let to spread her wings from pains and aches and distress that her body let her down and she was good with it all. so strong and so proud of her kids and grandkids that they have all forged their own place in this world. The gifts of love are all around and never take a  day off, we were and are blessed with eternal love and happiness that our mother taught us to embrace. We hold on tight to many things for the wrong reasons at time, this goodness that we hold onto is a lifelong journey that will never be let go. I am thankful for what I have in my life and all that share this goodness with me. I can look at today with gusto and look towards tomorrow with anticipation not angst. I'm a complex soul in a complex world with many simple moving parts around me. this I cannot control butI make the best of what situation will allow.

In looking around me I see so much that makes me happy, troubles me and even Stuns me at the enormity of it being so ridiculous,  not for shock values' sake but the mere fact that people ,laces and things are so important to so many when they should probably be an after thought. This game of follow the leader sensationalism is at times , hilarious, sad and trivial yet it takes over most mindset. We can Facebook this ,Instagram that ,text and call them all, snapchat me and draw attention to ourselves for all the trivial reasons that society deems newsworthy and important.  yet that picture of you and your Seattle based cup of coffee made to drink and satisfy is not the end all be all, does not change the world one bit, not even your own ,but maybe your view of your own self -importance in the grand scheme of things. May sound cynical but stupidity and wasted time and energy come at a price. You all give me so much entertainment and need to stop the show for intermission . Just my observation is all!  And how it got from there to here I will never know???

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