Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Gift From The Top

Been on a real high with the baby , the Grand baby I should say with all of her cuteness and adorability? A word? I don't know or maybe even care too much but it really feels odd in a great way to call myself a grand parent these days, yet to hit 50 and feeling younger as a result. Trying real hard to be patient for this baby to move back to the area. Ty will be gone and his baby and the momma will be trying to find their way while Ty is doing his Army indoctrination and his eventual departure to his new duty station. Following his brother's footsteps and joining the ranks of the military, with jobs being difficult to come by and moving off to the sticks of Missouri with Mandy he has essentially put himself in a precarious position, with a baby in this world he must provide for his child and be the best father he can be. Asking a young boy to become a man before he is actually ready to do so is a tall order but I feel he has it in him, he has to for crissakes! As a new grand parent we look forward to the good times with lil Aubrey and cannot wait for our turn to hug and to hold this precious little baby girl. So we try to be patient and wait our turn with great anticipation and high hopes of the goodness that new life has brought us! A very good time for us all! At the Risk of going all Tebow on everybody, I thank God for a healthy baby girl, proud Grand parents are we ,Terria and I have been beside ourselves the past 5 days with joy and great happiness in our hearts with the little baby girl and our love that has grown exponentially over the past 2 years! Good Times for sure

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