Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Motherly Strength!

A thought runs through my mind
Makes me wonder where it came from
A blur of memories cross the line
some are painful ,some are funny

I miss my Mom so much today
She promoted happiness and stood behind it
I hear the voice to bring in groceries
My childhood that never left me

Thanking mom for the lessons taught
appreciating discipline now that I'm grown
And comprehending my every day a little bit more
Losing her surely gives me perspective

This small house now seems so large
The history and stories grown in size
It's empty bedrooms tell great stories
where so much love was given freely

We miss our mom very much today
Tomorrow surely will feel the same
I hear her words and see her determination
Makes me afraid to fail her now

My siblings share what I feel
differently but still very similar
Our relationships were all so different
Yet the common denominator was Love and respect

My last thought was for God to take her away
And when he did, I wanted her back
The fickle mind tricks we make ourselves play
when we have no say in the end result

I know our purpose will be felt
Our mother taught us very well
To live full lives and "Be Nice To Everybody"
even if they aren't worthy of it all

Thank you mom for being You!
The strength, the lesson , the voice of righteousness
You gave so much of your self
now we can give it back and pay it forward