Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Not Like Us-The Great Hypocracy

Lets see where do I start here today, Do i talk about the fiscal cliff or the Mayan calendar, the mass shootings in Connecticut or the fact that we as a nation are a group of morons! After many hours of reading and watching Frank Schaeffer  on his blog, Twitter and YouTube entries I continue to believe that he s the most in-tuned human being on the planet, nobody makes more sense than he does ever! So I read his books and watch his speeches and continue to learn more each time  about the beauties of true spirituality, not the cardboard crap that the churches provide on a weekly basis and call it Christianity.What is a true Christian, somebody who follows the bible and speaks very loudly about their spirituality yet does very little to help anybody not like themselves. If they don't believe like they do, or go to the same church or read the same literature they are not like you and doomed to a life of eternal hell because as a Christian they are taught that they are elite, and special and looked highly upon but God and his Merry band of cross wearing fools. Yes the same people who bounce little boys on their laps and pay restitution for their acts with money from their churches and do no prison time, just a few thousand extra prayers is all and all is good. Do we then watch them pass a homeless person on the streets and don't look at them and tell their kids not to give them anything because they are just beggars, not knowing how they got there or giving a shit, they are not like themselves therefore they are not good people!Well in the name of good Christians I declare bullshit and what kind of people look down upon those less fortunate, as f they are less worthy of the nice things that they have and because they smell less than floral arrangements and speak in mumbled sentences. These are in fact the very people that we are supposed to help, a meal, a blanket, a few dollars to find temporary happiness and who are we to judge of that happiness happens to be a bottle of ripple or a cold beer before they bed down in an alley way or a freeway abutment? I for one is very ashamed of some people very close to me who have turned their backs on these very types of unfortunate people. Sad thing it is these type of people who look at tragedies and say it's Gods way of punishing Gays ,or fornicators or even Democrats for not being like them. If that be the case than these Christians can all go to hell and then ask if they were doing Gods duty on their way way to the bank before they get money to provide for the affluent churches, and may even pass a few homeless on the way to show how grandstanding is done. God loves them more because they have a 70" flat screen and the 4 new cars in the garage and the new hardwood floor, everything on the exterior seems to be perfect all the way to the wall of fame of pictures of smiles and good times of showing off the gun collection and the cruise to somewhere. the soulless better life where all good things can be bought and never be used on anybody, for anybody but people exactly like them. Yeah! Good Christians, what a sad Oxymoron that has become and all too familiar to me these days. So the ultimate Hypocrisy is when supposed Good people say bad things happen to bad people as punishment but yet do no good deeds without expecting repayment for those deeds and want God to keep score because they put an extra $5 in the tithe this Sunday and they bought cookies from the neighbor kid and expected the same when little league chocolates were to be sold yeah the I will scratch your back only if you scratch mine first mentality. We need to stop trying to be good Christians and  become better people who love and give of themselves with no reciprocation expected...The Golden Rule means so much more when nobody is watching and nobody cares that they aren't but a loving ,giving soul like mine!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Duran Holidays 2012

It really has been along time since i have visited these parts, missing allot of things this year and will man up a bit and fight through  my pity party real soon. As for the holiday season once again , it seemed like the last one was merely a day or two ago and here we go again with the drama of the busy roads and the commercialization of the the Christmas season! Driving through town and watching the drama unfold in the parking lots and in the stores! So we venture towards another bittersweet holiday season but only in the sesnse that we are always missing parts of our family, most of which involves my Baby Aubrey and her adorable ways, my, our first grandchild and so very proud. Our baby is in Virginia with her daddy and mom doing the Army thing and making their own way in this world. Our other Army boy Brazman is in Hawaii and will be here this christmans to enjoy the season with us and with Brandon,Terria and myself enjoying the season at Sister Aprils house as per usual.

Now back to the depression portion of the season, missing Ty and Mandy and mainly our precious little Aubrey who has given us a new perspective on life and a reinvigoration to stay healthy and young to enjoy her growth and life. some days like today i was driving down the road and heard the Ray Stevens "everything is Beautiful"classic on the ipod and immediately started crying, full on tear laden outpour missing my grand baby Aubrey more than anything i can remember to date.Each day gets harder and harder and we have thought of flying to Va. to visit for a few days but they will be in coloradpo springs in Feb. and we should wait but who knows what we will do?

A couple of positives in that we built, or rebuilt our master bedroom, took out the carpet put in tile and did oak baseboards, new paint and curtains and new furniture to make it all new, and for some reason bought a 46" Flatscreen for our viewing pleasure. THe kitchen is the last room to tackle starting with a stainless steel sink and some new cupboards, we have the sink and bought a pub table for the dinner table and are almost there with the house, this following the concrete job in the front yard and the ongoinfg backyard project...waiting til the dogs die before that gets finished! So enough with the house stuff!

On The Terria and Greg Front all is really really well, Terria and her knees and sachilles are hurting her after her surgeries but time will help to mend that soon. i am doing well and am just over a miserable 3 month bout with Sciatica and stenosis of the 4th and 5th vertibrae and was never in so much discomfort. After 3 epidurals and 2 months of thrice weekly chiropractic care i have come back to 85-90% and feel really good, the back was an issue and it cost me a full month of going to the gym which has been back in the mix for about 5 weeks now. Feeling really good and have got back on the  saddle again . Bought for my upcoming 50th birthday present a 2012 Beautiful Yamaha R1, 180mph motorcycle which is a dream to ride and i have yet to break her in properly, only 400 miles on it due to rains and dirty roads but my rising took a year off but did not miss a beat and i still have the skills that will keep me on a state of the art Sportsbike versus the overpriced old mans Harley which for the lif eof me does nothing for the soul in my eyes. riding a slow bike slow takes no skill, risding a fast bike hard and fast is a talent which i have worked really hard to obtain through thousands of miles and 2 accidents, one which almost killed me but I am here and refuse to ive with fear, if anything it has made me appreciate the finer things, the little ytthings in life which I used to let pass me by. so in lieu of a big 50th birthday party I was given a new fast motorcycle to continue my passion! A new day has dawned and I am very much looking forward to a new 2013 and the ongoing love and joy that my household brings. Hard work and love have taken us very far and ralistically the roadbumps in life make us truly understand the real meaning of life, knowing we are flawed and imperfect we can build upon that and always try to improve up[on what most outsiders see as pretty damn great! well it is and I can always o a little bit more. so muchg to be thankful for and so many blessings in our life with all of the tragedies around us we are a strong people who can and have risen above the doldrums of the world around us. god is amazing and to all those paper and phony christians and the bullshit laden republican PArty.... you all can kiss my fucking ASS!